What you should know about sensitive teeth

What you should know about sensitive teeth

Too Much Mouthwash Love minty fresh breath? If you swig mouthwash throughout the day, you may set yourself up for a sore mouth. That’s because some products have acids that make already-sensitive teeth worse. The solution: Ask your dentist about neutral fluoride...
If you chew sugar-free gum, you may be in luck!

If you chew sugar-free gum, you may be in luck!

A new study suggests that chewing gum may be as beneficial as flossing. Researchers from the University of Groningen in Holland determined that chewing gum for 10 minutes can remove 100 million bacteria from the mouth. This number is roughly one tenth of the bacteria...
Coffee May Fight Gum Disease

Coffee May Fight Gum Disease

Coffee may have an unintended benefit. Researchers recently determined that drinking coffee could lower the risk of gum disease. A research team at Boston University’s Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine conducted the study. Their research indicated that coffee...
Cavity Prevention and cheese

Cavity Prevention and cheese

Cavity Prevention is one of the most important benefit of cheese: Cheese is extremely high in its calcium content. This is the most important thing when it comes to strong teeth. In addition, cheese has a very low content of Lactose. Lactose is a substance that comes...
Dos and don’ts of choosing the right toothbrush

Dos and don’ts of choosing the right toothbrush

Confused by the toothbrush aisle? Follow these tips to choose the right toothbrush for your needsHow do you choose your toothbrush? Perhaps you have a steady fave bought out of habit, or maybe you’re always on the lookout for a sale,jumping from toothbrush to...
Mouth-Healthy Foods and Drinks

Mouth-Healthy Foods and Drinks

To prevent cavities and maintain good oral health, your diet — what you eat and how often you eat — are important factors. Changes in your mouth start the minute you eat certain foods. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugars and carbohydrates from the foods...
6 Tips For Whiter Teeth

6 Tips For Whiter Teeth

Your 32 teeth not only help you to talk and chew, they can make or break your appearance. Read on to find out what you can do to keep your pearly whites sparkling. 1. Go On a White-Teeth Diet What goes into your mouth shows up on your teeth. So if you’re drinking a...
Why Your Dentist Recommends A Night Guard

Why Your Dentist Recommends A Night Guard

At Jauhal Dental a major complaint from our patients is aching jaws and headaches. The answer is a night guard. The most common cause for these complaints is a condition called Bruxism which is the grinding of the teeth.The reality is that we all grind our teeth on...
Nutrition & Your Oral Health

Nutrition & Your Oral Health

We have all heard the expression you are what you eat and we know that maintaining a healthy well-balanced diet helps protect your body against Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes to name a few. Well did you know that nutrition plays an important role in developing...