Commonly asked questions about Dental Implants

Commonly asked questions about Dental Implants

Like any other medical procedure, people will always have questions of why and how dental implants are done. Knowing the answer to some of these issues is important as it helps one decide whether to take the dental implants options without having to consult the doctor...
Foods that prevent tooth decay

Foods that prevent tooth decay

According to health practitioners around the globe, tooth decay is the destruction of the tooth enamel which is the hard outer layer of the teeth. Tooth decay is a problem that affects all individuals from children, teens to adults. Tooth decay is mainly caused by...
Porcelain fixed bridges make your smile whole

Porcelain fixed bridges make your smile whole

Do you wish to restore your smile by filling the gap left by missing teeth? Are you very concerned about your appearance and your dental health? Fixed bridges Mississauga: if you answered “yes” to just one of these questions, then we invite you to visit our dental...


Dental amalgam is a blend of metals such as silver, copper and tin. Mercury binds these metals together, providing a strong, hard, durable ‘silver’ filling for your teeth. Dental amalgam is less expensive than other materials. Amalgam fillings have been...
How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

Do you know how many bacteria live on your toothbrush? Brace yourself! Researchers have found that a single toothbrush can be loaded with as many as 10 million germs and bacteria. In fact, recent studies even found that your toothbrush could be a breeding ground for...
The Truth About Root Canal Pain

The Truth About Root Canal Pain

The mere mention of the term “root canal” can make many people squirm nervously in their seats. The procedure has been vilified in movies and situation comedies, and most people have probably heard alarming stories of the pain associated with it from at...
The Four Types of Teeth and How They Function

The Four Types of Teeth and How They Function

Your teeth and the structure of your mouth play important roles in your ability to eat and speak and stay healthy. Most of us take our teeth for granted … until something goes wrong. Our teeth help us chew and digest food, play an important role in speech, and impact...